BOX TOP$ for Education

Start clipping Box Tops today to help Milton!  Every Box Tops clip is worth 10¢ and quickly adds up to money that can help Milton buy what it needs. Simply look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, paste or tape onto sheets, and return to our school.

For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and recipes visit Register at this website and Milton will receive .50 for every new person!

Box Tops Collection sheet : Tape/Glue a BOX TOP coupon on each space and return the sheet to your teacher whenever it is completed. Please do not tape BONUS BOX TOPS as they have to be packaged separately (just send in with your sheets). Make sure to not cut inside the dotted lines on the coupon and also check the expiration date, as we can not turn these in. Each Completed sheet is one entry into a drawing for various prizes, as well as an entry into the LABEL LEADER HERO drawing (this is a picture of your child’s head on the Hero body pictured below). Turn in as many sheets as you’d like, the more entries you turn in, the more chances you have to win! Make sure “Grandma” has a sheet as well!

Imagine what one child can do (Box Tops)

Use this flyer to put on your fridge and share with Grandma or Office:Labels Flyer


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